Serving as the local workforce area's One-Stop Operator, BlueOps, Inc. hosted 75 team members from the local WIOA partner agencies at our simi-annual WIOA Convening. The October 25th event featured an interactive activity focused on "traveling a mile in the customer's shoes" called the Navigating the Customer Experience. Participants worked in groups and were provided with a family profile and budget. Staff members navigated obstacles and barriers while obtaining basic services like food, housing, transportation, and employment. The afternoon session identified best practices for delivering excellent customer service.
Convenings are events hosted for staff members of the entire Frederick County Workforce Development System including Frederick County Workforce Services, Frederick Community College, Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services, Maryland Department of Labor, Frederick County Department of Social Services and more. Convenings are a great opportunity to network with colleagues from other agencies and to learn about the local workforce development system, agencies’ programmatic offerings and services, other community resources, provide professional development and explore best practices to better serve customers.
